The sailfish is the fastest-swimming fish in the world. Fishing, description, speed

The fastest fish in the world is a very interesting object of study for those who want to learn the secrets of the aquatic depths. The deep blue sea is a treasure trove for study not only by oceanologists, but also by ordinary people. You just have to show a desire to look into what is visibly and invisibly moving at an enviable speed on the seabed.

The decision of wise nature for her own good

The fastest fish in the world actively cut through the surface of the water for various reasons that they themselves are not aware of:

  1. Protection. Having even small sizes, it is possible to survive in the world of toothy predators while moving quickly. Without protection in the form of spines, a massive jaw or a poisonous bite, the fish flee. In some cases, quite successfully if they can gain the necessary speed.
  2. Attack. The meal is definitely canceled if you work your fins sluggishly. A sharp attack on the victim does not leave her the slightest chance of salvation. Fur seals maneuver very deftly in the surface of the water, but often find themselves victims of more active sharks and killer whales.
  3. Body structure. This aspect should still be placed in first place when listing the reasons for the rapid movement of fish. Dimensions don't really matter. The main favorable factor in the ability to quickly frolic in the surface of the water is the low level of friction. The leaders of fast acceleration are those who lack a swim bladder.

The fastest fish in the world have many advantages over the rest of the underwater brethren. They understand the expression “if you want to live, know how to turn around” in the literal sense.

Presentation of sprinter fish

The nimble fish, which took an honorable twelfth place, is able to fit into the city movement limit of 50 km/h. However, the inhabitant of the Atlantic Ocean with silvery scales swims quite briskly. She doesn’t have much choice, because the tarpon’s shiny outfit and 160 kg weight attract fishermen so much that they have to deftly escape from them. Both varieties - the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic - move quickly from everyone who wants to taste their meat.

The magnificent predator attacks with lightning speed and deservedly takes eleventh place in the ranking. 53 km/h is not a question for her when she wants to have lunch. If you add to the stated indicator a carnivorous grin with two rows of dagger teeth, then you should beware of meeting a tiger shark.

It should be noted that the lover of seals and other living creatures moves quite actively, but is a mammal. Its speed of 55 km/h and its steel jaws are a serious threat to the entire aquatic world. An additional danger is the ability of killer whales to live in rather cold water environments. The hunt of a sea predator for seals is an impressive spectacle in terms of the speed of reaction of the mammal at the sight of its next victim.

The white-winged beauty from the tropical subspecies absolutely does not live up to its name. She is a real sprinter, because if desired, she accelerates to 55-60 km/h. We have to call it a rather frisky pig with fins.

60 km/h – rating price with eighth place for a tropical inhabitant, which is used in sport fishing. Such data allows the albula to escape from a tiger shark, which is otherwise not interested in it.

7. Swordfish

Being in the 7th position, a rather large inhabitant of the sea surface rushes along it at a speed of 65 km/h. Such zeal is amazing because swordfish can weigh up to 650 kg. An excellent result for such impressive dimensions. Some unofficial statements attribute speeds of 110-130 km/h to the swordfish. Anything is possible, because keeping up with such zealous creatures with a stopwatch is very difficult.

6. Blue (blue) shark

The voiced predator loves to feast on its smaller brothers, because it reaches speeds of up to 69 km/h and tears them to pieces. It rarely hits a person, but it’s better not to drink with her during the brotherhood and swim races if you want to compete in skill.

The nimble fish can accelerate its body up to 74 km/h. Living in the southern seas, the weasel weighs quite a lot - up to 400 kg. The Pacific inhabitant is something special, because during seasonal migration it can cover a huge distance in a short period of time.

The fellow blue variety of the sprinter is still not particularly impressive in size. However, he will not give up his well-deserved fourth place to anyone thanks to a speed of up to 75 km/h. The fish is called yellowfin, but one should not belittle its dignity, because it takes the most impressive depths and distances at once.

The sea weevil is not particularly shy about its exotic appearance, because it cuts through the expanses of water with the alacrity of 77 km/h and takes third position in the hit parade. Such a high rating is not at all surprising, because the body of the fish is sometimes 4-5 meters long. However, large individuals weigh quite a bit.

Skeptics will smile at the statement that the familiar fish works perfectly with its fins and tail. However, it is difficult to keep up with her when she is rushing through the water at a speed of 80 km/h. To keep up with horse mackerel, you will have to work hard. The price for its carcass corresponds to the effort expended, but the wallet will clearly suffer if you want to feast on the shrew.

First place for the most admirable fish. The very name of the inhabitant of the seas suggests that the sailboat rushes through the waves at the speed of sound. The maximum speed of the miracle fish is 112 km/h.

The fastest fish in the world are amazing creatures that never cease to amaze humanity. It doesn't matter why they move so quickly. Just watching their lightning-fast movement makes you think about your own slowness.

Fish are not only our source of food. They are also fascinating and amazing creatures of nature that sometimes you just want to behold. But the most fascinating "attribute" of fish is their ability fast swim at incredible speed.

They use their incredible speed to chase food or escape predators. In general, the ability of fish to swim quickly is their way of surviving in the wild, or rather in the waters.

We present to your attention the list fastest fish in the world, as well as their maximum swimming speed. Some of the things listed here may surprise you, but the truth is that fish truly are some of nature's greatest wonders.

fastest fish in the world

10. Tarpon

Tarpon live in the Atlantic Ocean of some tropical or subtropical regions of the globe. They have a well-streamlined body, allowing the tarpon to swim very quickly. Also, tarpon are “equipped” with thick silvery scales, which make them very shiny and attractive to fishermen.

Top Tarpon Speed– 50 kilometers per hour.

The incredible speed of the tiger shark makes it one of the most dangerous predators in the world. According to statistics, the tiger shark is the second largest of its kind, second only to the great white shark. The length of these terrible predators reaches 5 meters.
The maximum speed of tiger sharks is 53 kilometers per hour.

8. Albula

Albulas are also among the fastest fish in the world. For the most part, this fish is used as a catch for sport fishing. They are found in shallow waters of tropical and subtropical regions.

Maximum speed of albul– 60 kilometers per hour.

7. Swordfish

One of the most popular fish when the conversation turns to sport fishing. Swordfish can reach incredible sizes - about 4.5 meters in length and weight - 650 kg.

Maximum speed of swordfish– 65 kilometers per hour.

6. Blue Shark

It is colored dark blue but has a white belly. Blue sharks are found in deep tropical and temperate regions.

Maximum speed of a gray shark– 69 kilometers per hour.

5. Southern Bluefin Tuna

Also one of the favorites in sport fishing. Based on the name, you probably guessed that this type of tuna lives in the southern hemisphere. They grow 2.5 m in length and weigh about 400 kg (bluefin tuna have very large bones, which makes them so heavy).

Maximum speed of bluefin tuna– 74 kilometers per hour.

4. Yellow tuna

Externally, they differ from their relatives due to their two yellow and long fins. Due to its small size, yellowfin tuna are able to move and maneuver quickly in the water.

Maximum speed of yellow tuna– 75 kilometers per hour.

3. Striped marlin

Striped marlin is one of the three fastest fish in the world. The home of these fish is the Pacific Ocean. Also, interestingly, they like to swim close to the surface of the water.

Striped marlin reach a length of 4.2 m and weigh 190 kg. The favorite diet of these giants is sardines. Due to the difficulty of catching them, these fish are included in the sport fishing list.

Maximum speed of striped marlin– 77 kilometers per hour.

2. Horse mackerel

Because they are difficult to catch, sardines are expensive. They are also very tasty, which is why horse mackerel dishes are served in many of the best restaurants in the world.

Maximum speed of horse mackerel– 80 kilometers per hour.

1. Sailboat

The sailfish is the fastest fish in the world, which in its speed leaves many of its competitors behind. From the tip of the sharp “nose” to the tail, their length is 3.5 meters and their weight is 90 kg.

The maximum speed of the sailboat is 112 kilometers per hour. This figure is similar to that of the cheetah, which is considered the fastest land animal.


The fastest land animal on earth is the cheetah, capable of reaching speeds of over 100 km/h. But some marine inhabitants have no less speed of movement and dexterity.

Presented to the attention of readers fastest fish in the world- top 10.

10. Atlantic tarpon Speed ​​up to 50 km/h

Opens the top ten fastest fish in the world, which is capable of reaching speeds in water of up to 50 km/h. Tarpon has a distinctive appearance and slightly resembles a large herring. In search of food, tarpon can travel enormous distances in a week. Its food is various mollusks, crustaceans, and young fish of other species that prefer smaller habitats and walk closer to the surface of the water.

9. Tiger shark Speed ​​up to 53 km/h

It is one of the most dangerous and fastest marine inhabitants with a maximum speed of 53 km/h. It is also one of the largest living sharks with a body length of up to 5 meters. Active predators and excellent swimmers, tiger sharks usually patrol their territory slowly, making subtle movements, but become fast and agile when they smell food. During an attack or flight, they are able to instantly develop high speed. Tiger sharks are found offshore, primarily in tropical and subtropical waters around the world.

8. Albula Speed ​​up to 60 km/h

It ranks eighth in the list of the fastest fish in the world with a maximum speed of 60 km/h. This is a predatory fish that is found in the waters of tropical and subtropical seas. The size of a large individual can reach 1 meter in length and weight up to 9 kilograms. For the most part, marine life is used as a catch in sport fishing.

7. Swordfish Speed ​​up to 65 km/h

It is capable of moving in water at a speed of 65 km/h, which allows it to bear the title of one of the fastest fish in the world. It got its name due to its highly elongated and flattened upper jaw, which has the shape of a pointed sword and accounts for up to a third of the length of the entire fish. The swordfish has no pelvic fins, and the tail has a semi-lunar shape, immediately showing the high speed qualities of its owner. As for the dimensions of the sea creature, it can reach 4.55 m in length and weigh 650 kg. Swordfish is found in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans; it is found sporadically in the Black and Azov Seas, where it appears only in summer. It is a target of fishing, mainly pelagic longline, and a valuable trophy of sport fishing - trolling. No attacks on humans were recorded until May 2015, when a swordfish in Hawaii attacked fishing boat skipper Rensi Llanes, who harpooned it. The sword pierced the chest and the man died.

6. Blue shark Speed ​​up to 69 km/h

One of the fastest sea predators with a maximum speed of 69 km/h. Large predatory fish are found far from the coast, in the ocean, and near the coastline. But it is more common to see these fish on the open sea, as part of a convoy of ocean-going ships and liners, so the blue shark is considered primarily a pelagic fish. Perhaps this is one of the most numerous species among sharks in the World Ocean, along with such common predators as herring and salmon sharks.

5. Southern bluefin tuna Speed ​​up to 74 km/h

With a swimming speed of 74 km/h, it ranks fifth in the ranking of the fastest fish in the world. Pacific bluefin tuna are constantly on the move. When they stop, breathing becomes difficult because the gill covers open in accordance with the lateral movements of the body to the left and right. Water passes through the open mouth into the gill cavity only when moving. These are schooling pelagic fish that make long migrations. Sometimes they form schools with similar-sized tuna of other species - longfin, yellowfin, bigeye, striped, etc. The diet is varied and depends on the food supply in the feeding areas. It is based on schooling pelagic fish that live near the surface of the water.

4. Yellow tuna Speed ​​up to 75 km/h

One of the fastest fish in the world with a speed of 75 km/h. The marine predator is distinguished primarily by its enormous size: it can reach two and a half meters and weigh 200 kilograms. He received his nickname for the corresponding color; his body is colored blue-gray, and yellow-white longitudinal lines run along his back. There are 20 such lines in total. The anal fin of this type of tuna is also colored bright yellow. There is also a long solar stripe running along the sides, but in some individuals it is absent. Yellowfin tuna lives mainly in schools; it feeds on squid, small fish and various crustaceans.

3. Striped marlin Speed ​​up to 77 km/h

Unveils the top three fastest fish in the world with speeds in water of up to 77 km/h. It got its name due to the well-defined transverse striping of the body. Extremely rare in the equatorial zone, it undertakes significant migrations, during which this fish moves to higher latitudes in the warm season and returns to warm-water areas of its range in winter. The predator feeds mainly on squid, fish and crustaceans.

2. Horse mackerel Speed ​​up to 80 km/h

It ranks second in the ranking of the fastest fish in the world. The sea animal is capable of developing an impressive speed when swimming, which is equal to 80 km/h. High speed plays a very important role for mackerel, because it is a predator and this helps it to overtake its prey in a short time. It is a schooling fish that moves in the water column and forms schools. It lives in warm waters within the continental shelf, often close to the coast. It breeds in the warm season. It feeds on plankton and small fish, sometimes bottom invertebrates.

1. Sailboat Speed ​​over 100 km/h

The fastest fish in the world, which can reach speeds of over 100 km/h. During a series of tests carried out in one of the fishing camps, the sailboat swam 91 m in 3 s, which is equivalent to a speed of 109 km/h. Unlike the vast majority of bony fish, sailfish and related species of the sailfish and swordfish families effectively use turbulence, that is, water flows around the body not layer by layer, as in laminar movement, but forming fast eddies that help them reduce water resistance. The far-protruding pointed projections of the upper and lower jaws allow the effect of turbulence to be achieved at lower speeds. When swimming fast, the sail folds and stows in a special recess on the back. The anal and long ventral fins are also hidden. When making sharp turns at high speed, the fins rise sharply. Sometimes sailboats drift slowly at the surface of the water with the sail fully extended and protruding above the water.

The number of inhabitants of the water depths exceeds 32,000. Moreover, their numbers are growing from year to year. Large and small fish live in the seas, oceans and rivers. Some of them can reach incredible speeds. Let's find out which fish are the fastest in the world.

The maximum speed this fish can reach is 56 km/h. There are two known species of tarpon - Indo-Pacific and Atlantic. An adult can reach up to 2.5 m in length. The average carcass weighs about 35 kg. The maximum recorded weight of a tarpon was 112 kg.

It is as fast as tarpon, and its fins help it move. With their help, the fish quickly escapes from predators. Lives in many oceans, loves warm waters. It is quite interesting to watch her; she jumps out of the water, spreads her fins and floats through the air for some time.

The unusually shaped fish can reach speeds of up to 64 km/h. Experts say that its meat has an incomparable taste, but the liver is not recommended to be consumed. It contains a large amount of vitamin A, so it is harmful to humans. The swordfish owes its high speed to its structure. She knows how to start abruptly from a place, so she easily catches up with any aquatic inhabitant.

The fish reaches speeds of up to 64 km/h. She has an interesting silver color and a very strong skeleton. The duration of albula can be about 20 years. They live in flocks and love to live in warm waters.

It is not only one of the fastest, but also the most dangerous fish. The shark's speed reaches up to 69 km/h, and its weight can reach up to 200 kg. The dangerous fish attacks a large number of swimmers every year. The blue shark is also considered a long-liver, its age can reach 20 years.

This fish lives in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Among other species, it is considered the largest. The maximum speed it can reach is 70 km/h. But this does not save the fish from enemies or being caught by a person who really likes to feast on it.

It refers to solitary fish that never form schools. Its speed reaches up to 80 km/h. This sometimes doesn't turn out very well for wahoos. Such swiftness leads to the fact that the fish swims past its prey. It is often prepared in restaurants because it has excellent taste.

Outwardly, it looks like a swordfish, and its speed reaches up to 100 km/h. Marlin is a predator that even feeds on squid. She lives alone and practically never swims to the shore. It is known that the females of these fish are much larger than the males. Marlin meat is prized for its flavor and is most popular in Japan.

It received this name due to its beautiful fin. Outwardly, it really resembles a sailboat. The fish's sharp nose and body shape cause it to reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. This helps her a lot in hunting for small fish.

Studying the list of the fastest fish in the world, it can be noted that it includes representatives of the seas and oceans. Freshwater inhabitants are not capable of reaching such speeds.

Sailboat (120 km/h)

The sailfish from the sailfish family of the Perciformes order, which lives in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, is the fastest fish on Earth. It is known for its tall, long dorsal fin, which truly resembles a sail.

This fish is quite large - the length of an adult individual is on average two meters, while some of them grow up to 3 meters and weigh about 100 kilograms. The maximum speed of the sailboat is about 100 kilometers per hour, although recent studies have shown that this underwater inhabitant can reach as much as 110 km/h! What contributes to gaining such enormous speed? An excellent body with a minimum coefficient of friction: a normally folded fin, a sharp nose, a specially shaped tail fin, as well as a special film on the surface of the entire body, which allows the sailboat to literally glide under water.

Moreover, these fish do not have a swim bladder, which is compensated by the asymmetry of the body relative to the horizontal plane, as well as by muscle efforts. Thanks to this, the sailboat accelerates to incredible speed even at a vertical distance.

When a fish hunts for its prey, its fin is hidden. However, if the prey turns sharply away from the sailboat, it instantly raises its fin and immediately turns after the prey, which almost never manages to escape. The record holder feeds on anchovies, mackerel, sardines, mackerel, some mollusks and crustaceans.

Swordfish (110 km/h)

The swordfish from the order Perciformes is considered no less fast. Its length can reach five meters, and its weight can be up to half a ton. It can be found in tropical and subtropical seas. True, they say that it is also found in the Azov and Black Seas, but in single copies.

Tuna is caught with nets on an industrial scale. Most often they are sold canned or frozen.